The Heckscher Museum of Art

February 1, 2016

I experienced The Heckscher Museum of Art in fifth grade. In art class one day, the teacher asked us if we wanted to go to the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, NY. Most people wanted to go but some didn’t want to go. We weren’t just going there, we were going to be Junior Docents. What that means is we get assigned a section of the museum, learn about it, and then become guides to the other fifth graders, and the fourth graders. My friend Noah and I were assigned to the history section. What had was many different types of art and for different times. One Sculpture I found fascinating was the Lincoln Sculpture. It was a mini replica of the Lincoln statue in Washington D.C. Another Painting that was eye-catching to me was called Power, Politics & War. To learn about the Power, Politics & War painting, click here. This is a great museum to visit and whatever you like they have. History, Photographs, Landscapes, and much more.

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October 16, 2015

The Museum of Mathematics

February 2, 2016